UQ People

Upper Quartile's partners are all experienced business professionals with backgrounds at senior level in both the public and private sectors at home and abroad.

Chris Boyd


Chris Boyd

Chris is an experienced economic development practitioner with 12 years experience in the public and private sectors. Sectorally, he works across a range of policy areas including business support, area regeneration and learning and skills. Functionally, Chris has expertise in monitoring and evaluation, project appraisal and economic impact assessment. Prior to joining Upper Quartile in 2010, Chris was an Associate Director with Glasgow based Slims Consulting where he played a key role in growing and diversifying the company’s business in Scotland.

Chris has led a number of high profile projects on behalf of the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, Regional Development Agencies and Local Authorities. He led an economic impact evaluation of Scottish Enterprise’s flagship business support programme and was subsequently commissioned to explore the factors which influenced the agency’s ability to impact on businesses. He has also advised on programmes targeted at increasing business start-ups, international trade, innovation and training.

Internationally, Chris has worked on behalf of DFID Afghanistan where he recently carried out an economic appraisal of its proposed investment in technical and vocational training. He has also benchmarked the performance of Scotland’s Key Sectors against that of other EU countries. Most recently, this involved a review of the skills and training interventions available in the Danish Life Sciences sector for Skills Development Scotland.

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