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Scottish Enterprise National – Customer Management Services
A framework contract to supply experienced Business Advisers to complement the business support delivery and to carry out Account Management services.
Upper Quartile James Mason
Upper Quartile has been selected by Scottish Enterprise to be part of a Framework Contract to deliver customer service via a team of consultants to client companies throughout Scotland from 2008-2011. All team members, led by James Mason, have strong business backgrounds and track records in helping companies analyse performance, develop strategies and implement action plans. Additionally all the Consultants have detailed knowledge of the Scottish Enterprise Network , have Premier Adviser qualifications and are able to deliver against the agenda of a Smart Successful Scotland.
The Upper Quartile team is made up of a group of senior consultants:
James Mason Connie Allardice
Kirsty Scott Paul Reavy
Keith McDermott Lovat Brownlee
Jim Leggat Gavin Jones
Sandy Findlay George Wilson
Alastair McNaughton John McQueston
Maureen Liddell Adrian Berezuik
Peter Grey Alastair Clyne
The contract from Scottish Enterprise is to provide experienced Contract and / or Interim Managers between April2008 and end March 2011. Consultants are available to the following levels of assistance with five groups of Scottish Enterprise clients namely:Companies of Scale, Account & Client Managed, Growth Pipeline and Principal Relationship Managed.
The consultants available complement and balance the needs of Scottish Enterprise in terms of specialist skills and knowledge of their priority industries i.e. Energy, Food and Drink, Tourism, Technology, Life Sciences and General.