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Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP) - Independent Evaluation Provider (IEP)

02 December 2013

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The Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP) was established in response to increasing insecurity in Nigeria. The country currently faces significant levels of instability as growing social, economic and political divisions broaden between the North and South. Oil pollution, climate change and unemployment further fuel conflict. Violence holds back social and economic development by preventing children going to school, reducing access to health care, destroying property, reducing investment and jobs, and creating divisions within and between communities. DFID Nigeria has invested £39m into the five year NSRP programme (2012 – 2017), which has four key target areas;


  • Improved conflict management mechanisms through broader societal participation in and oversight of conflict management mechanisms at federal, state and local level.
  • Mitigation of drivers of conflict by reducing grievances in target areas around economic opportunities and distribution of resources.
  • Increasing societal participation of women and girls and a reduction in violence against them, which in turn will lead to increased and more influential participation by women and girls in institutions and initiatives relevant to peace building.
  • Improved conflict prevention policy and practice to create a situation where research, advocacy and media have an increasingly positive influence on policy and practice relevant to stability and reconciliation in Nigeria.


Upper Quartile has been awarded the independent evaluation of NSRP to run in parallel with the programme implementation over the next four years. The challenge with the evaluation is limited international, and especially Nigerian, evidence of impact in many areas in which NSRP is operating. The evaluation will assess the overarching theory of change that the combined effect of NSRP activities will result in the reduction of violent conflict. The Upper Quartile evaluation team aim to explore NSRP’s integrated and innovative design and draw a set of evidence-based recommendations as well as lessons learned. A mixed method approach has been adopted to draw on the monitoring and evaluation data already collated by the NSRP implementing partner.


The Upper Quartile team has recently submitted the Inception Phase report and will continue to work with DFID Nigeria and other relevant stakeholders to develop the evaluation approach over the coming four years.