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International Police Coordination Board- Secretariat- Ministry of Interior Consultancy

24 January 2014


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A paper from the US Institute for Peace highlighted the need to develop the Afghan National Police service to make it more “capable of enforcing the rule of law, controlling crime and protecting the Afghan citizens” in advance of the forthcoming withdrawal of the NATO police training mission along with international combat forces in 2014.


The Minister of Interior determined the need for an external Afghan-led consultancy to provide recommendations for improving the overall strategic planning and execution capabilities and capacities of the Ministry, in support of the Security pillar of the Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS), which identifies the country’s development priorities. The consultancy team was procured through the International Police Coordination Board (IPCB) and tasked with the design of a roadmap to guide progress towards achieving the goals of a recently issued 10-Year Vision for the Ministry, as well as making recommendations for further reform.


UQ associate, Peter Reed, worked with the International Consultancy team to develop an outline plan of action to improve key ministerial processes essential to ensure the prudent and effective allocation and management of human and financial resources to accomplish the Ministry’s objectives. The project began in mid-July and ended in late November 2013 and involved two 4-week trips to Kabul for the initial inquiry and assessment, with an additional 4 weeks in the UK to prepare and complete final documentation.


The final report highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry and set out key recommendations and conclusions to support further development of the Afghan National Police.


For further information please contact Graeme Brodie,