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Enterprise Estonia

East and Central Europe, January 2012


Upper Quartile

 Enterprise Estonia


Enterprise Estonia was established in 2000 and promotes business and regional policy in Estonia.  EAS is one of the largest institutions within the Estonian national support system for entrepreneurship, providing financial assistance, advisory, cooperation opportunities and training for the entrepreneurs, research establishments, public and third sector in Estonia.


Following accession of Estonia with the European Union, Enterprise Estonia became one implementing unit of structural funds in Estonia. Most of the grants and other programmes are to be co-financed from the structural funds. In the financing period of the European Union of 2007-2013 Enterprise Estonia is responsible for 13 billion kroons (€0.8 billion) out of the total of more than 53 billion kroons (€3.4 billion) of structural assistance for Estonia.


The Market Entry Support Programme is one programme run by Enterprise Estonia to help support Estonian companies to export to the markets of the EU.


Our core team is made up of over 25 senior consultants with coverage across the UK to support Estonian business sell into the UK across the following areas:

  • Identification of potential clients, agents or distributors
  • Analysis of the market and the competitive environment
  • Development of market entry strategies
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Market research
  • Price analysis and pricing strategy
  • Competitor review
  • Review of distribution channels
  • Product benchmarking, design and enhancements


We have offices in Edinburgh and London and our staff outlined in this document has in depth commercial expertise in several industrial sectors and UK wide coverage.