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Case Studies


Economic Development and Reform Case Studies

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Case Study: Support to Contract Management
Middle East, 2010
$30 million contract in Basra with the South Oil Company
Case Study: Trade Show in Baghdad
Middle East, 2010
Networking in Baghdad ....
Case Study: Indian Colleges linking with UK Higher Education Institutions
Asia, 2010
Devising programmes and new business models for international collaboration
Case Study: Senior Executive Service, Tanzania
Africa, 2010
Examining good practice in other countries and inproving public service leaderership in Africa.
Case Study: Harris Tweed Skills and Training Programme
UK, 2009 - 2011
Upper Quartile is project managing a European Social Fund (ESF) funded project, designing and implementing training initiatives.
Case Study: Publication of the Iraq Business News
Middle East, 2009 - 2010
With readership of over 20,000 a month ....
Case Study: Ministry of Oil, Baghdad
Middle East, 2009 - 2010
Development of Competency Based Skills in the Ministry of Oil
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