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TradeMark East Africa

Africa, December 2011


Upper Quartile  

TradeMark East Africa



TradeMark East Africa (“TMEA”) is an initiative funded by a range of development agencies to promote regional and economic integration in East Africa by working closely with the East African Community institutions, national governments and business and civil society organisations.


Working with partners in the East African Community to reduce the cost of transportation and increase trade competitiveness, TMEA is implementing a wide variety of programmes and projects. These include infrastructure development such as one stop border posts; organisational development and reform with regional integration and trade related public sector organisations; implementation of advocacy campaigns by civil society and the private sector; organisational development of civil society organisations. The current budget over a four year period is projected to be $300m.


To assist with measuring the impact of these interventions TMEA has established a framework comprising project and programme evaluation specialists. The scope of evaluations will differ depending on requirements. Some evaluations may be project specific whereas others will be thematic or multi-country and may cover a selection of projects.


grm.jpgUpper Quartile’s input through this framework will be led by its monitoring and evaluation specialists Chris Boyd, Dr Ken MacTaggart and David Crichton.  Support will be provided by our strategic partner for this framework GRM International.  Based in Dubai, GRM will provide support with logistics and the sourcing of additional M&E expertise when required.


For further information on this contract or to find out how Upper Quartile can support you with your evaluation requirements please contact