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Professional Courses in Economic Development


Practical Economic Development

Achieving Objectives


This suite of courses is about efficiency and effectiveness in Practical Economic Development, including key tools in the development process and critical tools to achieving growth in national or regional prosperity. Courses available include:

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Regional and Local Economic Development
This course is aimed at staff in economic development bodies who are considering or actively planning the development of building a regional or local economic strategy: The accent is on the practical, rather than theoretical, though some theory is essential to [...]
Value Chain Analysis
Value Chains and Market Drivers This course is aimed at strengthening understanding of local economic development and in particular to analyse market drivers in agricultural value chains, as a core advanced skill in economic development.  The course will build: An understanding of [...]
Developing Trade Zones
Trade Zones, Industrial and Business Parks This course is aimed at staff in economic development bodies who are considering or actively planning the development of trading zones of any type – industrial, distribution, science and retail parks, oil exploration hubs, transport [...]
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