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Professional Courses in Economic Development


Upper Quartile offers a suite of complementary courses on public sector governance and economic development.  As long-term advisers to governments and NGOs around the world, working extensively in post-conflict, fragile and developing countries, rural areas and other challenging development environments, Upper Quartile is uniquely suited to offer training in the key processes which underpin development and public sector effectiveness.  
Our courses are devised and run by our own team of internationally experienced senior economic development practitioners.   
Upper Quartile’s courses are based on European and UK best-practice, and rely heavily on real practical examples and case studies drawn from our experience of designing, planning, implementing and managing multi-million dollar programmes in the UK, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Our main concentration is on a set of unique courses aimed at professional executives in government departments and agencies, in two main areas:


    Public Sector Management - Improving Effectiveness in Public Governance
    Practical Economic Development – Achieving Objectives.


These core strategic areas are also supplemented by courses in mainstream development and implementation skills such as Strategy Into Project Delivery, Project Planning and Project Management.