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This section provides information on the latest developments at Upper Quartile - new projects, new clients, events and publications. Further information can be obtained from the designated contact for each item or from .
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17JAN 13
Montserrat Technical Assistance Programme
David Crichton has returned to Montserrat to continue our programme of technical support to the Government of Montserrat.
16JAN 13
Dominic d’Angelo
Dominic d’AngeloProgramme Support Adviser to the Minister and Deputy Minister for Programmes, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Government of Afghanistan
13JAN 13
Libya - Wealth Creation Programming
Upper Quartile is supporting the Arab Partnership – a joint venture between the FCO and DFID - in developing and building the private sector in Libya following the revolution. We are working within a cross-Whitehall team and blending security sector reform, private sector development - both international and domestic investment - and public financial management into a structural reform programme.
16DEC 12
Rural dependency
In the summer, Upper Quartile undertook an economic and market assessment of the Harris Tweed industry in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. There are clear and transferrable lessons between the work we do in Scotland and the international work we do with rural, highly dependent communities producing single products which increasingly are being required to integrate into a global market place.
12DEC 12
Export Development in Palestine
Upper Quartile is delighted to be working with the UN International Trade Centre in Palestine to support the development and capacity building for PALTRADE, the Palestine Trade Centre.
10DEC 12
Evaluation of Scottish Enterprise Engagement with Account Managed Companies
Scottish Enterprise commissioned Upper Quartile to evaluate the impact of mentoring and the account management support for Scotland’s Growth Businesses. Account Management is SE’s flagship business support programme delivering targeted interventions to identified high-growth SME’s with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of Scotland’s business base and driving economic growth
08DEC 12
An Inspiration
That was the feedback from Scotia Heritage on attending the recent Developing Your International Tourism Markets programme, which has been run by Upper Quartile in Edinburgh, St Andrews and Inverness over October and November. The programme is part of the ESF supported Smart Exporter programme of Preparing to Export courses designed specifically for tourism companies in Scotland.
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